Are Shih Tzus Hypoallergenic?

Are Shih Tzus hypoallergenic

Shih Tzus are classified as one of the toy breeds of dogs by the Dog Australia Organization, but this doesn’t make them less in demand. They have a small stature which makes them fragile. Yet, they remain very valuable.

Shih Tzus which originated from Asia is a Dog Breed with a lot of interesting personalities both physically and mentally. They have a nickname which is “Little Lion” but this is a name given to them due to their stature and their looks not because of their behavior.

The nickname “Little lion” contrasts their behavior to the extreme because this dog breed doesn’t even act like a cub, they are very smart, vibrant, and intelligent.

Everything about them is impressive and in this article, we will discuss one of the most interesting qualities they have, and this is being Hypoallergenic.

Are Shih Tzus Hypoallergenic?

Yes, Shih Tzus are Hypoallergenic, and they are one of the best if not the best dog breeds for allergy sufferers.

They shed at a very low rate and the tendency to see the dander that falls off from their coat which usually triggers allergies in pet owners is very minute.

There is every assurance that you won’t see their hair in your house, on your furniture, or in any area they occupy.

This doesn’t mean they don’t shed at all. Of course, they do shed but their shedding differs from any other dog breed.

Do Shih Tzus Shed?

Yes, Shih Tzus shed but at a very minimal rate, this is because they are among the few dog breeds with hairy coats. Generally, dogs that have hairs on their coat shed at a very low rate compared to dogs with fur.

They have hairs just like that of humans, and after they shed, the hair falls and stays in their second coat layer without dropping on the floor or in the area they occupy.

This is why grooming them at least once per day is necessary. By doing this, you will help them to remove the shed hairs, so they won’t form knots with the second coat.

Are Shih Tzus 100% Hypoallergenic?

Ideally, no dog is 100% Hypoallergenic. While Shih Tzu produces fewer allergenic proteins in their skin compared to some other breeds, they are not completely hypoallergenic.

What triggers allergies in people is the dander (a microscopic skin flakes) produced by dogs and not their hair. These skin flakes carry proteins and when they are inhaled or come into contact with sensitive individuals, it can trigger allergic reactions such as sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes.

It is important to note that dander is not only present on dog’s skin, it can also be found in their saliva and urine. With that being said, no dog can be labeled as 100% hypoallergenic because they all produce allergenic components (skin flakes, urine, and saliva).

Is Shih Tzu a Good Dog for Allergy Sufferers?

A dog owner playing with her Shih Tzu

Yes, Shih Tzu is very compatible with Allergy sufferers. These dogs shed at a very low rate and even after shedding, their hair doesn’t fall directly on the floor. Rather, it gets stuck in their undercoat until they are brushed out.

Saliva also triggers allergies, but Shih Tzus doesn’t drool often. All these things make them the perfect dog breed for allergy sufferers.

Do Shih Tzus Puppies Shed A Lot?

Yes, The Shih Tzus puppies are quite different from Adult Shih Tzus. They shed a lot, and this is due to their soft coat which is still developing. Their hair is thinner and short making it fall off often.

This applies to all puppies of all breeds at large. Puppies shed continually at a very high rate most especially during their 3 – 6 months of age.

But after their puppyhood, their coat develops and becomes thicker, fluffy, and long and their shedding will reduce drastically.

How Do You Know If You Are Allergic to Your Shih Tzus?

It may take a longer time for a hyposensitive person to get allergic to Shih Tzus, but a hypersensitive person might get allergic to them easily.

Here are the signs and symptoms that show you are allergic to your Shih Tzu:

  • Frequent sneezing
  • Runny Noses
  • Congestion
  • Watery or Itchy eye
  • Fatigue

How to Reduce Shih Tzus Allergens in Your Home

Grooming a Shih Tzu

Are you going to get rid of your dog if you find out you are allergic to it? NO! A good pet owner will never think of this rather he will think of the way he can reduce these allergens so he will live comfortably with his furry friend.

Fortunately for you and your dog, there are ways to reduce allergens in your home.

Here are the things you should do to reduce your Shih Tzus Allergens in your home:

Daily Vacuuming

Vacuuming your home regularly will help prevent your dog’s hair from flying around your house. It will also purify the atmosphere, making the surrounding air safe and clean to inhale.

Vacuums usually have an air filter that helps to trap hairs and dander. Thus, always ensure that you empty and clean the vacuum after use to avoid blockage.

Groom & Bath your Dog Regularly with Recommended Shampoo

Brush your Shih Tzu’s coat daily to remove loose fur and reduce the spread of allergens. You may also consult with your veterinarian and make inquiries about the best shampoos for bathing dogs.

However, avoid bathing your dog frequently. Dog’s skin produces oil which helps to keep their coat shiny and lustrous. Bathing them frequently will hinder natural oil production, leading to dry and flaky skin.

Restrict your Shih Tzus from Entering Your Room

This might sound weird, but it is very important. Keep your Shih Tzus away from your room and ensure they sleep in their bed during bedtime.

You can also try to change some materials which can trap dander in your home. For example, you can replace your rug with tiles, and also your cloth-made chair with a leather chair.

What Are the Best Dog Breeds for Allergy Sufferers?

A Golden poodle

Remember, there is nothing like 100% hypoallergenic when it comes to dogs. However, some dogs are hypoallergenic. They produce dander or Allergens at a very minimal rate.

Some of these dog breeds include:


Poodles are the best dogs for people suffering from allergies. They come in various sizes, including Standard, Miniature, and Toy. They have curly, non-shedding coats, which trap allergens and reduce the risk of them floating in the air.

Their hair structure makes them a top choice for allergy sufferers.


Schnauzers have a wiry, double coat that doesn’t shed much. They produce fewer allergens because their hair grows continuously, similar to human hair, and doesn’t scatter dander.


Maltese dogs have long, silky hair but don’t have an undercoat. This lack of an undercoat means they shed less and produce fewer allergens. However, if you own a Maltese, it is important to groom them regularly, as this dog’s coat is very long and can easily get matted.

4.Portuguese Water Dog

The striking resemblance between this beautiful dog breed and poodle should give you an insight that they are also hypoallergenic.

They have the same wavy and curly coat as the poodles, and they shed at a very low rate. They seldom produce allergens that would trigger allergic reactions in hypersensitive people.


The straightforward answer to this question “Are Shih Tzus hypoallergenic?” is YES! The Shih Tzus dog breed is hypoallergenic although they are not allergy-free.

They also trigger allergic reactions, but it is inconsiderable and that is why they are highly recommended for people who suffer from allergies.

There are also several ways you can reduce the rate at which they produce dander and some of them include regular grooming & bathing, frequent cleaning, and vacuuming.

Before you go, you can also read: How to Prevent Allergies in Dogs during Spring 


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