Is Christmas Tree Flocking Toxic to Cats?

christmas flocking around cats

Christmas flocking can be toxic to your cat if consumed as it can cause intestinal issues to your pet cat. Flocking contains chemicals that are toxic to pets generally especially artificial Christmas trees that shed.

Cat owners should try and buy artificial Christmas trees from brands/stores that the trees do not shed any plastic materials or any kind of material that your cat might consume, it is advisable to remove the ornaments your cat loves most and replace them with fabric or plastic ones.

Can cats be around Christmas trees?

cats around christmas flocking

If you have a Christmas tree in your home, the question “Can cats be around Christmas trees?” should be on your mind. Christmas trees can be hazardous to your cat, especially if you have a young cat or a kitten.

To prevent your cat from climbing the Christmas tree, you should secure it well. Attach it to a heavy base, or place it near a wall. You can also use a fishing line to tether the tree.

You should be especially wary of plastic ornaments if you have a cat. Cats are attracted to dangling ornaments, and they can chew through them.

In addition, the glass baubles can break, and tinsel and angel hair can clog your cat’s digestive tract. If your cat was to eat a large piece of the Christmas tree, they might experience vomiting and diarrhea.

However, you can still use Christmas trees in your home, and just be careful to prevent your cat from chewing on the needles.

The pine needles found in Christmas trees contain pinene, a toxic chemical that cats can be sensitive to. If your cat eats the pine needles, they may experience nausea, vomiting, or skin irritation.

Pine needles can also cause bowel obstructions or even perforation. For these reasons, it is recommended that you use an artificial tree. Otherwise, make sure to follow all of the decorating tips listed above to prevent a cat from getting sick.

How to keep your cat away from the Christmas tree

If you have a Christmas tree in your home, it’s important to ensure that your cat won’t climb it or jump into it as the flocking may be toxic.

This can be dangerous for your tree, as your feline friend may be attracted to the water and bacterial growth that can develop. To keep your cat away from the Christmas tree, follow these simple strategies:

Remove your cat’s favorite Christmas tree ornaments from the tree. While they’re a treat for you, cats can still chew on the ornaments. To prevent this, use fabric or plastic ones.

Avoid hanging ornaments on strings because cats may choke on them. Instead, use wire hangers to hang your ornaments. These types of hangers clamp around a branch. Cats will have a difficult time climbing a wire, so they shouldn’t get caught.

Place your tree higher up the tree. Make sure the lights are positioned toward the center of the tree. If you have lights on the tree, make sure they are unplugged. Your cat may also chew on the wires, so be sure to use cord protectors or unplug them.

A picture of the tree is another option. Place the picture back after Christmas is over. If you’re unable to avoid this, consider using a tree topper that’s made of plastic.

Is Christmas flocking a cat allergy?

If you have a kitty, you might be wondering if Christmas tree flocking is a cause for concern. Flocked Christmas trees can contain poisonous chemicals that cats are particularly sensitive to.

Whether your kitty is allergic to tree flocking or not, the following safety tips will help you keep your kitty safe from potential harm. First, if you’re decorating a Christmas tree in your home, you’ll want to secure the top of the tree with barricades or cat pens.

Second, you should be aware of the mess that flocking can create. While flocking a Christmas tree is messy, you can do it indoors, but it is important to make sure you’re working on a drop cloth.

Flocking sticks to you and the floor, so make sure to use a drop cloth. Afterward, you can throw away the soiled cloth or put it in your laundry to prevent any potential spillage. Remember, any time your cat comes into contact with the flocked Christmas tree, it’s a mess.

Lastly, you should avoid touching live trees if you have sensitive skin. You should wear long sleeves when setting up a live Christmas tree. Even if it doesn’t smell too bad, you should avoid contact with it.

However, an artificial Christmas tree has less of a smell than a live one. However, you should still be cautious when spraying artificial snow on your tree, as inhaling this material can trigger an asthma attack.


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