Can Dogs Eat Egg Rolls?

Can dogs eat egg roll

Dogs are curious creatures, and they often display interest in the food we consume. They are fond of giving us that tempting doggy look when they crave something especially food from us. However, should you fall for this look?

Should you feed your dog with egg rolls? The answer to this question is a straight NO!

Egg roll contains a lot of ingredients that are toxic to dogs. They can easily cause stomach upset or even make your dog vomit.

Egg roll is also a fried food which contains excess oil, and we all know the risk of feeding our dogs with oily foods.

In this article, we will delve into the topic of whether dogs can safely eat egg rolls. We will shed light on the potential risks and benefits associated with feeding this tempting dish to our canine companions.

You will also get to learn how to make an egg roll that is 100% safe for your furry friend.

Without further ado, let’s dive in!

Can Dogs Eat Egg Rolls

an egg roll

Dogs can eat egg rolls, but they should not eat them due to the toxic ingredients used in preparing this food.

Even if you must serve your dog with an egg roll, you should always remember this “moderation is the key”. Do it in moderation and ensure you observe your dog throughout the day. If you notice any behavioral change or complication kindly consult with your vet.

Why Is Egg Roll Considered a Bad Choice for Dogs

There are a lot of complications attached to feeding your dog with egg rolls. If you go to your vet to ask about this savory food. I am sure you will get more than enough reasons to avoid this food for your dog.

Here are some of the reasons why you should avoid feeding egg rolls to dogs:

It Is High in Sodium

Dogs have different sodium requirements compared to humans, and excessive amounts can be harmful to their health.

The sodium content in egg rolls is very much thereby rendering the food toxic to dogs. High sodium intake in dogs can lead to dehydration, increased blood pressure, and strain on the kidneys and heart.

It may also contribute to conditions such as electrolyte imbalances and can be particularly dangerous for dogs with certain health issues, such as kidney disease or heart problems.

Egg Rolls Are Prepared with Ingredients Harmful to Dogs

Take a stroll to your internet browser and search for egg roll recipes. You will be stunned to always see these ingredients garlic powder, onion powder, monosodium glutamate, and more importantly soy sauce.

All these ingredients are toxic and unsafe for canine consumption.

According to Renee Schmid, of VCA Animal Hospitals, Onion, garlic, and chives belongs to the Allium family and these three kitchen staples are toxic to dogs.

They affect the red blood cell membrane and make it fragile and prone to bursting. Red blood cells are needed all over the dog’s body to help transport oxygen. When these cells are destroyed, it causes anemia and the transport of oxygen to all parts of the dog’s body will be affected and vital organs would be deprived of oxygen.

When dogs have a decreased number of red blood cells (anemia), it can lead to an accelerated heart rate, heightened respiratory rate, weakness, pale urine, kidney harm, fainting, and potential fatality.

Egg Roll Is Higher in Carbs

Carbohydrate is essential in a dog’s diet because it provides the energy needed for a dog’s daily activities. However, excess carbs can be unsafe for dog consumption.

Egg rolls lack the complete nutritional profile necessary for a dog’s balanced diet. They contain carbs in excess, and this can put unnecessary pressure on your dog’s digestive system.

Excess carbs can also cause stomach upset, diarrhea, obesity, and even cancer in dogs.

It Is a Fried Food

Egg rolls are typically deep-fried, resulting in a high-fat content. Feeding your dog foods with excessive fat can lead to weight gain, digestive issues, and even pancreatitis.

Recommended Healthier Alternatives for Dogs

healthy foods for dogs (carrot, corn, cabbage and tomatoes)

Instead of feeding your dog with egg rolls, there are a lot of healthy alternatives you can choose from.

Many commercial dog foods are laden with calories, sugar, and toxic ingredients; However, the treats I will be recommending in this article are natural and 100% safe for dogs.

These 6 alternatives are loaded with nutritional values in the correct proportion.

Here are some healthy treats that are 100% safe for canine consumption:

Lean Meat Bits

Cooked lean meats like chicken, turkey, or beef are excellent sources of protein, which is vital for muscle growth and repair in dogs.

These meats also provide essential amino acids and vitamins. Remember to remove any bones, skin, and excess fat before offering them to your dog, as these can cause digestive issues or pose a choking hazard.

Steamed Vegetables

Carrots, green beans, broccoli, or sweet potatoes, when steamed until soft, offer dogs a range of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

These vegetables are low in calories and can aid in digestion.

Caution: Avoid seasoning or adding butter, as excessive salt, spices, or fats can be harmful to dogs.

Baked Sweet Potato Fries

Sweet potatoes are a great source of dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, and antioxidants.

When sliced into thin strips and baked until crispy, they become a tasty alternative to fried snacks.

Caution: make sure to bake them without any seasoning or oils, as added fats or spices can be harmful to dogs.

Cooked Pumpkin

Plain, cooked pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling) is low in calories and high in fiber, making it beneficial for digestion and regulating bowel movements in dogs. It can also provide relief for dogs with upset stomachs.

Caution: Feed this food in moderation to prevent any gastrointestinal issues.

Fresh Fruits

Apples (without seeds or core), blueberries, watermelon (seedless), and bananas (in moderation) offer dogs a range of vitamins, antioxidants, and hydration.

These fruits can serve as tasty and nutritious treats.

Caution: Remove any seeds, pits, or rinds that may be toxic to dogs, and feed them in moderation due to their natural sugar content.


While there is plenty of human food that is safe for dog consumption, egg roll is not among them.

Egg roll contains ingredients that are highly toxic to dogs, and it is also deep fried making it have excess oil content.

Feeding your dog with egg roll will expose him to numerous health issues and this is what you should avoid as a concerned pet owner.

Instead of feeding egg rolls to your dog, there are safe alternatives such as lean meat bits, steamed vegetables, cooked pumpkins, and also fruits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Give My Dog a Small Piece of Egg Roll Once in A While?

It is not recommended to feed dogs with egg rolls due to the toxic ingredients it contains. However, giving your dog a small piece should not be a problem.

Before giving this food to your dog, remove all the toxic ingredients such as onion, garlic, chives, or shrimp that are contained in this snack.

Are There Any Specific Ingredients in Egg Rolls That Are Toxic to Dogs?

Yes, ingredients such as onions and garlic, commonly found in egg rolls, can be toxic to dogs and may cause gastrointestinal distress or damage to their red blood cells.

Can Dogs Eat Other Types of Fried Foods?

Fried foods are generally not recommended for dogs. Deep-friend foods contain a high level of fats and when ingested by your dog, it can make your dog prone to obesity, or even pancreatitis.

Can Dogs Have Spring Rolls?

When it comes to comparing spring rolls and egg rolls, it can be said that spring rolls are a healthier option.

Unlike egg rolls, which are typically made from wheat, the wrappers of spring rolls are often crafted from egg whites or rice, making them a healthier alternative.

Additionally, spring rolls are not always deep-fried; many are prepared through boiling or steaming methods, reducing the fat content.

However, it’s important to exercise caution as spring rolls can still contain ingredients that are toxic to dogs, such as garlic, onion, or chives.


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