Are Dogs Allowed in Target Stores?

Are Dogs Allowed in Target Stores

If you’re a dog owner, you may be wondering if you can bring your furry friend with you while shopping at Target. Dogs have become more than just pets, they are often considered members of the family, and it’s not uncommon for owners to want to take them everywhere they go.

However, not all stores allow dogs inside, and Target is no exception. In this blog post, we’ll explore the question of whether dogs are allowed in Target stores and the store’s policies on pets.

So, if you’re a dog lover and a Target shopper, keep reading to find out if you can bring your furry friend along with you on your next shopping trip.

Can I bring a Dog to Target?

dog and its owner in a store

The answer to whether or not you can bring a dog to Target is not a simple yes or no. Target has a policy that states that only service animals are allowed inside their stores. This means that if you have a trained and certified service dog, you are allowed to bring them with you while shopping at Target.

However, if your dog is not a trained service animal, you are not allowed to bring them inside the store. This includes emotional support animals, which are not considered service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are therefore not allowed in Target stores.

It’s important to note that while some stores may allow dogs inside, Target is not one of them. The store’s policy is in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all customers, including those with allergies or fear of dogs. Violating this policy would result in being asked to leave the store or even facing legal consequences.

So, as much as you may want to bring your friend with you while shopping at Target, it’s important to respect the store’s policy and leave your dog at home.

Why are dogs not allowed on target?

Dogs are not allowed in Target stores, except for trained and certified service animals, for several reasons. One of the primary reasons is to ensure the safety and well-being of all customers, including those with allergies or fear of dogs.

Allowing dogs inside the store could trigger allergic reactions or create uncomfortable situations for other customers.

In addition, dogs can be unpredictable, and even the most well-behaved dog can become agitated or anxious in a crowded and unfamiliar environment.

This can pose a safety risk to both the dog and other customers. Service animals are trained to behave in public settings, making them a safe and necessary exception to the store’s policy.

Another reason why dogs are not allowed in Target stores is due to the risk of damage to merchandise. Dogs can be curious and playful, and may accidentally knock over displays or damaged products. This can result in financial loss for the store and inconvenience for customers.

While dogs are beloved members of many families, it’s important to remember that not all public places are appropriate or safe for them.

Target’s policy on dogs is in place to ensure the safety and comfort of all customers and to maintain the integrity of the store’s merchandise.

What happens if you bring a dog to target?

If you bring a dog to Target, and it is not a trained and certified service animal, you may be asked to leave the store. Target’s policy only allows service animals inside the store, and violating this policy would result in being asked to leave or facing legal consequences.

If you refuse to leave the store when asked, Target may contact law enforcement to assist with the situation. It’s important to respect the store’s policy and the safety and well-being of all customers, including those with allergies or fear of dogs.

If you have a trained and certified service animal, it’s important to have them properly identified with a vest or other identifying item and to have their certification paperwork available if requested by store personnel. This can help prevent any misunderstandings or conflicts while inside the store.

Are dogs allowed in Starbucks?

If you’re a dog owner who enjoys a cup of coffee or a treat from Starbucks, you may be wondering if you can bring your dog with you inside the store. Like many businesses, Starbucks has its policy regarding dogs inside its stores.

The short answer is that dogs are generally not allowed inside Starbucks stores, except trained service animals. Starbucks’ policy is in line with health codes and regulations, which prohibit animals from being in food preparation areas.

However, some Starbucks locations may have outdoor seating areas where dogs are allowed to accompany their owners. In these cases, it’s important to keep your dog leashed and well-behaved and to clean up after them if necessary.

It’s important to note that each Starbucks location may have its specific policy regarding dogs, so it’s always best to check with your local store before bringing your furry friend along.

Does Walmart allow ESA dogs?

A section of the Walmart store

Walmart’s policy regarding dogs inside its stores is similar to that of Target. Only trained and certified service animals are allowed inside Walmart stores, while emotional support animals (ESAs) are not considered service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are not allowed inside the store.

Walmart’s policy is in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all customers, including those with allergies or fear of dogs. Violating this policy would result in being asked to leave the store or even facing legal consequences.

It’s important to note that service animals are specifically trained to assist individuals with disabilities, while emotional support animals provide comfort and companionship to their owners.

While ESAs may provide important emotional support to their owners, they are not trained to behave in public settings in the same way that service animals are.

Overall, if you have an emotional support animal and need to bring them with you while shopping, it’s important to respect Walmart’s policy and leave your pet at home.

If you have a trained and certified service animal, it’s important to properly identify them with a vest or other identifying item and to have their certification paperwork available if requested by store personnel.


Many businesses have specific policies regarding dogs inside their stores. While dogs may be beloved members of many families, it’s important to remember that not all public places are appropriate or safe for them.

The policies of businesses like Target, Starbucks, and Walmart are in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all customers, including those with allergies or fear of dogs.

Trained and certified service animals are generally the only exception to these policies, as they are specifically trained to behave in public settings and provide assistance to individuals with disabilities.

Emotional support animals are not considered service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are generally not allowed inside stores.

It’s important to respect the policies and regulations of businesses and to prioritize the safety and comfort of all customers while enjoying time with our furry friends.

Before bringing a dog to a public place, it’s always best to check with the specific location’s policy to avoid any misunderstandings or conflicts.

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