10 Negative Dog Behaviors You Should Never Ignore

dog behaviors you should never ignore.

Dogs are often considered to be man’s best friend and for good reason. They are loyal, and affectionate, and can bring a great deal of joy and companionship into our lives.

However, like any animal, dogs have their own set of behaviors that can sometimes be confusing or even concerning for their owners.

While some of these behaviors may seem harmless or even appealing, certain dog behaviors should not be ignored.

Ignoring these behaviors can lead to serious consequences for both the dog and its human family.

In this blog post, we will explore some of the dog behaviors that should never be ignored and what they could potentially mean.

Understanding these behaviors can help you ensure the health and well-being of your dog and strengthen the bond between you both.

Is it OK to ignore my dog sometimes?

As a dog owner, it can be difficult to resist the loving and adorable nature of your dog.

Dogs are often seen as man’s best friend and for good reason. They are loyal, playful, and always eager to please their owners.

However, like any pet, dogs also have their own needs and personalities that can sometimes clash with our own.

This can lead to moments when you may feel the need to ignore your dog, either to discipline them or simply to take some time for yourself.

So, is it OK to ignore your dog sometimes? The answer is not a simple yes or no, as it depends on the situation and the behavior that you are trying to address.

In some cases, ignoring your dog can be a necessary and effective form of discipline, while in other cases it can be harmful and even counterproductive.

Firstly, it’s important to understand why you might feel the need to ignore your dog. Perhaps your dog is exhibiting unwanted behaviors such as barking excessively, jumping up on people, or chewing on furniture.

In these situations, ignoring your dog can be an effective way of teaching them that their behavior is not acceptable.

By withdrawing attention and affection, you are communicating to your dog that their actions are not pleasing to you, and they will be less likely to repeat the behavior in the future.

However, it’s important to remember that dogs thrive on attention and social interaction.

Should I Ignore my Dog For a longer period?

Ignoring your dog for extended periods, or as a form of punishment, can be harmful to their mental and emotional well-being.

Dogs that are regularly ignored or neglected can become anxious, and depressed, and may even develop behavioral problems such as aggression or destructive tendencies.

In addition, ignoring your dog can also have negative consequences for your relationship with them.

Dogs form strong bonds with their owners and rely on them for companionship and support. By ignoring your dog, you risk damaging that bond and making them feel disconnected from you.

So, when is it appropriate to ignore your dog? As mentioned earlier, ignoring your dog can be an effective form of discipline for unwanted behaviors.

However, it’s important to do so in a controlled and measured way.

For example, if your dog is jumping up on people, you can turn away and withdraw attention until they have all four paws on the ground. Once they do, you can reward them with praise and affection.

10 Common Dog Behaviors You Shouldn’t Ignore As a Good Dog Owner

As a dog owner, it’s important to understand that dogs, like any other animal, have their own personalities and behaviors.

While most dogs are well-behaved and obedient, there are times when they may exhibit problematic behaviors that require attention and intervention.

Ignoring these behaviors can lead to more serious problems down the line, including aggression, destruction, and even health issues.

Here are the ten common dog behavior problems that you should never ignore:

1. Barking:

While barking is a natural behavior for dogs, excessive barking can be a sign of anxiety or boredom.

Excessive barking is usually caused by many underlying factors such as separation anxiety, fear or aggression, lack of physical and mental stimulation, and even medical-related issues.

If your dog is barking excessively, it’s important to address the underlying cause and provide them with adequate measures to control it.

2. Digging:

Digging is another natural behavior for dogs, but it can become a problem if your dog is digging up your yard excessively or causing damage to your property.

To help your canine stop this act, provide a designated digging area for them and teach them to always go there while they want to dig.

3. Chewing:

aggressive dog chewing on cloth.

an aggressive dog chewing on cloth.

Dogs love to chew, but when they start chewing on things they shouldn’t, it can become a problem.

You can prevent excessive chewing in your dogs by providing them with appropriate chew toys and also training them on how to chew on them properly.

Doing this should help stop this behavior in your dog and your household properties, furniture, rugs and even your footwear can rest without them being eaten up by your dog.

4. Aggression:

two aggressive dogs fighting

two aggressive dogs fighting

Aggression is a serious problem in dogs and it can be caused by a variety of factors, including fear, territorial behavior, and lack of socialization.

This is why early socialization is crucial in training dogs while they are still at a tender age.

However, you can also control aggressive behavior in dogs by seeking the help of a professional trainer or behaviorist.

Do not make use of aggressive punishment to control your dog’s aggressive behavior, doing this will worsen the matter.

5. Separation Anxiety:

Most dogs are highly energetic and they require physical and mental stimulation to be well-behaved.

Leaving your dog without giving him adequate attention will make him develop separation anxiety.

Separation anxiety can cause your dog to exhibit behaviors such as barking, howling, and destructive chewing.

If you notice all these signs in your dog, mental stimulation and physical stimulation is the best option for you to help alleviate this negative behavior.

Tire them out by engaging them in physical and mental activities. Remember “A tired dog is a happy dog”

6. Jumping:

Jumping is a natural behavior for dogs. However, it can be problematic when it is done in excess.

Your dog jumping on everyone he sees, especially children or the elderly should give you more concern.

To alleviate this behavior, teaching your dog some basic commands such as “sit down” or “lie down” should go a long way to help you achieve this.

You should also make use of positive reinforcement while teaching them these commands. Doing this will help hasten the teaching process.

7. Pulling on the Leash:

A dog on leash

Imagine taking your dog on a walk and he is always trying to pull on the leash. This is an annoying act that can get your dog and even you injured.

Dogs that pull on the leash can be difficult to walk and can even cause injury especially while using dog collars such as choke chains.

This behavior is a very bad one and teaching your dog how to walk on a loose leash should help you eradicate it.

8. Begging:

Who says dogs don’t beg? Of course, they do. You know that funny look your dog gives you while you are eating something? That is begging and it is something you should curb in your dog.

While it may seem harmless, allowing your dog to beg at the table can reinforce bad behavior and lead to obesity and other health issues.

Train your dog to stay off the dining table and also provide them with appropriate feeding time and portions.

Doing this should reduce the rate at which they crave food.

9. Nipping:

Nipping is a behavior in dogs where they use their mouth to gently bite or pinch, usually as a form of play or exploration.

This behavior is only common in puppies, although, it can also continue into adulthood if proper measures are not taken.

Training your dog to understand the difference between appropriate and inappropriate biting can help solve this problem.

Early socialization will also make them showcase positive behavior while around people and other pets and they won’t feel the need to nip you.

You should also yelp when they nip you, this will make them stop and relate the nipping to pain.

Dogs are smart and can detect pain. Your dog should stop nipping you when he realizes that the nip causes you pain.

You should also get dental chews for your dog. Once you notice that he is trying to nip you, divert his attention to the dental chew and make him chew on it.

All these procedures work perfectly and by following them, your dog will stop nipping.

10. Fearfulness:

Fearful behavior in dogs can be caused by a variety of factors, including lack of socialization and traumatic experiences.

Training your dog to be more comfortable in new situations and providing them with positive experiences can help alleviate this issue.

Ignoring common dog behavior problems can lead to more serious issues down the line, including aggression, destruction, and health problems.

By addressing these issues early on and seeking the help of a professional, if necessary, you can ensure that your dog remains happy and well-behaved for years to come.


As a dog owner, it is important to observe and take a closer look at their behaviors. Doing this often will help ensure that your dog is always on his best behavior.

Ignoring or neglecting your dog’s bad behavior will pose threat to the life of other dogs or pets in your neighborhood.

If you notice behaviors such as excessive barking, digging, chewing, nipping, separation anxiety, etc. in your dog. It is best to address these issues in your dog immediately.

Physical and mental stimulation is an effective method that can help eradicate varieties of these behaviors in your dog.

The provision of dental chews and also early socialization of your puppy also works like magic in helping to curb these behaviors.

Have you noticed any of these behaviors in your dog? If yes, how did you get rid of it?

Share your experience in the comment section, doing this will enable everybody to learn the effective methods of stopping all these bad behaviors in dogs.


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