What Are the Signs My Dog Needs to Be Neutered?

What are the signs my dog needs to be neutered

If you are reading this article now, there are chances that your dog has been exhibiting some weird behaviors recently and all these behaviors are making you think of neutering him.

However, do all these signs indicate that your dog needs to be neutered? Well, there are numerous signs that show that a dog has to be castrated. Some of these signs include excessing humping, aggression, your dog always running from home to search for a potential mate and many more.

Are you witnessing your dog exhibiting any of these awkward behaviors? If YES, you are not alone and we are here to help you with information on the best thing to do.

In this article, we have revealed all the signs that indicate that your dog needs to be neutered. We have also revealed the benefits and risks associated with castrating your male dog.

Without further ado, let’s dive in!

What Is Neutering?

Neutering, also known as castration, is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of a male dog testicle. The sole aim of this surgical operation is to stop reproduction in dogs.

By removing the testicles, the dog’s sexual urges will be reduced drastically, and they won’t be interested in reproducing or mating.

This might sound weird. However, it has a lot of benefits it provides to dogs and the dog’s community at large.

Neutering dogs can help reduce aggression and territoriality in dogs, it helps to reduce the risk of unwanted litters by reducing the sexual urge of dogs.

This surgical procedure also has health benefits. It helps to prevent health issues related to male dogs’ genitals. Some of these health issues include testicular cancer, prostate gland infection etc.

What Are the Benefits of Neutering Your Dogs?

Many dog owners don’t opt for neutering because it looks like they are altering their dogs. However, neutering is a very beneficial surgical process for dogs.

Here are some of the benefits of neutering your dog:

  • Population Control: One of the most significant benefits of neutering is its role in controlling the dog population. Neutering prevents unwanted litters, which can help reduce the number of homeless and euthanized dogs.
  • Prevents Unplanned Pregnancies: Neutering female dogs prevents unplanned pregnancies and the challenges associated with caring for and finding homes for puppies.
  • Behavioral Improvements: Neutering can lead to positive behavioral changes in both male and female dogs. It often reduces aggressive tendencies, territorial marking, and dominant behavior. This can make dogs easier to manage and less likely to engage in undesirable behaviors.
  • Reduced Risk of Certain Health Issues:
  • Testicular and Prostate Problems (Males): Neutering eliminates the risk of testicular cancer and reduces the risk of prostate problems in male dogs.
  • Uterine Infections and Mammary Tumors (Females): Neutering female dogs before their first heat cycle significantly reduces the risk of uterine infections (pyometra) and mammary tumors, which can be cancerous.
  • Reduced Roaming Behavior: Neutered males are less likely to roam in search of female dogs in heat, reducing their risk of getting lost, injured, or involved in fights.
  • No Contribution to Irresponsible Breeding: By neutering your dog, you prevent them from contributing to irresponsible breeding practices, which can lead to overpopulation of dogs.

What Are the Signs Your Dog Needs to Be Neutered

There are several signs that indicate that your dog needs to be neutered. These signs can be further grouped into behavioral and health signs.

Let’s discuss these signs in details:

Behavioral Signs

Escape And Roaming

Dogs roaming around the street

Unneutered dogs have a great sense of smell, they can easily perceive pheromones even if they are several distances away. Pheromones is a chemical secreted by female dogs in heat.
When intact dogs perceive pheromones, their sexual organs are easily stimulated, and they will have the urge to mate.

This can lead your dog to wanting to escape or run away from home in search of the female dog in heat.

This act can expose your dog to injury and traumatic experience. While your dog is away from home, he is not under your supervision and he might get into a fight with other male dogs craving to mate with that particular female dog.

And what happens if the other male dogs are stronger than your dog? They will bite and harm him.

If you live in an area with busy streets, your dog roaming about might also be exsed to the risk of being hit by vehicles. Your dog might be lucky to survive this traumatic experience. However, there are higher chances that the impact with the car will lead to the death of the dog.

As reported by Petpedia, the United States typically registers an annual toll of more than 10,000 dog fatalities due to car accidents. This statistic is primarily attributed to the careless and negligent attitude of dog owners

By neutering your male dog, the urge to run away from home in search of potential mates will be reduced and this will also reduce the likelihood of your dog getting into dangerous situations.

Aggressive Behavior

two aggressive dogs fighting

If your dog displays aggressive behavior that disrupts the peaceful coexistence of your household and other pets, it might be a sign that your dog needs to be neutered.

Aggression in dogs is often associated with the hormone testosterone, which is primarily produced by the testicles. This simply implies that the higher the level of testosterone, the higher the level of aggression.

However, by neutering your dog, the testes, which is the main producing organ of testosterone will be removed leading to reduction in the overall testosterone level of the dog.

It’s worth mentioning here that dog aggression cannot be solely attributed to male dogs’ testosterone levels. Aggression in dogs may be caused by other factors such as lack of proper training, lack of socialization, neglecting your dog and many more.

With that being said, neutering is not a guaranteed solution to dog aggression, but it can help reduce the hormonal factors contributing to aggression in your furry friend.

The House Smells Like Pee

Dogs have a lot of instinctual behaviors and one of them is territoriality. This behavior is very common in male dogs and it can be very bad and repulsive when they do it excessively.

Unlike a female dog, a male dog often marks its territory by rubbing itself against objects or spraying a small amount of urine in specific areas.

Imagine the nook and cranny of your house smelling of dog pee all in the name of territoriality? This is unhealthy and it should be stopped promptly.

One of the most effective ways to stop territoriality and scent marking in your male dog is by neutering him.

Neutering will make your dog less territorial, and he won’t always see the need to mark territories with his urine.


A lady watching two dogs humping on each other

Another sign that indicates that your dog needs to be neutered is humping.

Humping or mounting refers to the behavior where a dog thrusts its pelvis against a person, object, or another dog, often a sign of dominance, playfulness, or anxiety.

It is a very common behavior that dogs exhibit, most especially in intact male dogs. However, it is considered a problem when dogs do it extremely.

When your dog mounts on an aggressive dog, it might lead to a fight which may cause your dog injuries.

Humping can also lead to unwanted mating which will induce the birth of unwanted litters.

By neutering your dog, you can help reduce his urge to hump on objects or another dog

Health Issue That Indicates Your Dog Needs to Be Neutered

Enlarged Prostate Gland

Just like male humans, all male dogs have a prostate gland, which plays a vital role in reproduction. It provides the sperm cells with the necessary fluid for nourishment and transportation.

However, the issue with the prostate gland is that it can enlarge as the years pass. In dogs, an enlarged prostate can occur in males aged five and older.

Here are some of the signs & symptoms of enlarged prostate in dogs:

  • Pain during urination or defecation
  • Discomfort while walking
  • Ribbon-like stools, constipation
  • Blood in the urine, or a bloody discharge.

Prostate enlargement can become complicated if not treated promptly. It can further lead to Prostate cancer or other severe health issues relating to the prostate gland.

However, by neutering your dog, you can help reduce the risk of prostate enlargement in male dogs and even shrink the prostate if it’s already enlarged.

Risk Of Testicular Cancer

One of the most important health risks and concerns for male dogs is testicular cancer, which is the second most common cancer in canines.

According to experts, testicular cancer typically affects dogs between seven and eight years of age, and the risk increases significantly after age 10.

It is a severe health condition that requires urgent attention. By neutering your dog, his testicles will be removed and this will effectively eliminate the risk of testicular cancer

Here are some of early warning signs of testicular cancer in dogs:

  • Varying testicle size
  • An enlarged scrotum
  • Thinning of the scrotal skin
  • Excessive pigmentation in the scrotal area
  • Brittle hair in the genital area.

If you notice any of these signs in your dog, consult with your vet immediately for proper treatment and medication.

Other Reasons

Overpopulation of Dogs

Another reason why you may have to neuter your dog is to control the population of dogs in your household.

Catering for a large number of dogs in your home at a time can be very challenging, this is why you have to apply a control measure which is neutering.

Imagine having both male and female dogs in your household and both of them are unneutered. These two dogs will keep mating without your supervision and they are both capable of producing 21 litters in a year. That number is too much and you may have problems taking care of all of them.


If you are a dog owner and you are contemplating on whether you should neuter your dog or not. Here are some of the signs that your dog needs to be neutered: aggressiveness, scent marking with urine and territoriality, humping etc.

If you notice any of these signs listed above, you may have to proceed to neuter your dog.

Neutering your dog has many benefits. It helps control the population of dogs, it keeps your pup healthier, improves their behavior, and makes socializing with other dogs a breeze.


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